Parks & reserves: Amboseli National Park
The camp sites in the area are run by the Maasai authorities. The sites are technically just outside the park boundaries, but access is from the inside.
The only public camp site is the Group Ranch, located close to the park border, southwest of Observation Hill. It is a large place but is often used for low-budget safaris, so at times it can be quite crowded. The site has pit toilets and water, but the supply is not constant and sometimes it must be obtained from the lodges.
The Nairushari is a special camp site located in a solitary place, in the southwest corner of the park near Ilmbireshari Hill. It is the usual camping place for higher budget camping safaris. There is firewood but no other supplies, so be sure to bring your own water and food.
For more information, contact the Warden, Amboseli National Park, P.O. Box 18, Namanga.